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Is it “really” possible to travel by bus from Nairobi to South Africa?

There are many things that are impossible in this world. But a trip from Nairobi to South Africa by bus is not one of them. And especially if you’re a travel junky and looking for those unique and life-changing travel experiences. This could be your ideal trip to build beautiful memories that last for a life time.
Now let’s get to the nitty gritty. Shall we?
Essentially, this trip will include 3 buses.
Bus 1- With this 1st bus, you’ll travel from Nairobi to Dar-es-Salaam. You have the option to travel with Tahmeed Coach, Kidia One or Sr Classic Coaches.
Bus 2- With the 2nd bus, you’ll travel from Dar-es-Salaam to Lusaka, Zambia with Sr Classic coaches as it’s the most reliable bus company that’s operating within that route. They have a daily schedule from Dar-es-Salaam to Lusaka.
Bus 3- With the 3rd bus you’ll travel from Lusaka to Johannesburg. You’ll have a couple of options in Bus companies within this route, such as; Royal Africa Logistics, K and M Luxury, Unlimited Gift Limited and Juldan Motors. However, they do not operate daily. It is exclusively on Sundays and Tuesdays.

Kindly note that Kenyans and Ugandans have a tough time at the Tunduma/Nakonde border point. (Border separating Tanzania and Zambia). Typically, these officials will harass you if you’re not from Tanzania and Zambia.
For those who wish to travel to Lilongwe by bus, Falcon coaches is your best bet which departs Dar-es-Salaam to Lilongwe every Wednesday.
Additionally, Sr Classic offers direct buses from Dar-es-Salaam to Harare, Zimbambwe and Lubumbashi in Congo. If you’re looking for a direct bus to Congo, Ratco Express should do it.
At the same time, if you’d want to experience the Victoria Falls, the Royal Africa Logistics is your best alternative. They follow the Zimbabwe route to South Africa from Zambia, and they pass near the Victoria Falls.

Requirements for travelling:

There are important documents that you’ll need when travelling from Nairobi to South Africa.
And more importantly there are travel essentials you want to have for a smooth travelling experience. Travelling from Nairobi to South Africa is no easy journey. You want to be comfortable as possible.

Documents you need when Cross-travelling:

  1. Yellow fever card-It’s the official internationally recognized document by International Health Regulations for travelers to prove vaccination of diseases.
  2. Passport- To verify your identity & nationality.
  3. Visa- as an extra just in case you need it.
    Travel essentials:
  4. Comfortable clothing & neck pillow
  5. Blanket/shawl to keep you warm when its chilly
  6. Medication and first aid kit for minor injuries or ailments
  7. Toiletries kit such as hand sanitizer, wet wipes, toothbrush and toothpaste, and personal hygiene items
  8. Snacks and water due to the long distance
  9. Entertainment: Books, magazines, music.
    The total travelling costs from Nairobi to South Africa averages around Kshs. 28,000 without including accommodation and food.
    And there you have it. That’s all you need to make this trip a reality. And an adventurous one for that matter. Because they say, travel is food for the soul. It really is.